Flaherty Senior Consulting
Specializing in Dementia Care
Family Caregivers
Personal Consultations
Caregiving is especially stressful during these challenging times. While workshops are not currently being held, Nancy is available for scheduled telephone consultations and FaceTime meetings. She can help you with care plans, caregiver challenges, questions about dementia, placement options and more. For more information, email Nancy at flahertyconsulting@cox.net or call/text her at 402-312-9324.
Presentation Topics
Nancy Flaherty, MS, CDP, president of Flaherty Senior, is available for small group presentations and meetings. Please contact her at 402-312-9324 or email her for pricing and details.
These are a few of the presentations that are available:
Creating a Plan for Peace of Mind: Short Term and Long Term
How can I plan, short or long term, with and for my loved one? What resources are available to make a safe plan? What respite options are good for my family situation? PACE and Medicaid information will be discussed
Are There Different Kinds of Dementia?
This presentation is designed especially for family caregivers who are interested in learning about different types of dementia, including Alzheimers, Vascular, Frontal Lobe, and Lewy Body. The characteristics of each type and how to handle the symptoms in loved ones are explored.
Private Consultations
Nancy Flaherty, MS, CDP, is available for private consultations with family caregivers to develop individual plans for loved ones at home.
As a certified dementia practitioner, she has a special interest and expertise in assisting caregivers of persons with dementia.
For an appointment, contact email Nancy Flaherty or call her at 402-312-9324.

Caregiver Solutions Groups
What Is a Solutions Group?
These gatherings provide opportunities for caregivers to learn how to deal with different issues they may face, obtain skills and knowledge, and engage in great discussions. Attendees also are able to to interact with others in similar circumstances. Upcoming meetings will address questions and challenges caregivers face.
There are four active groups in the Omaha area, and each one meets at a different location. Download a Solutions Group flyer.
Note: Solutions Groups are now meeting approximately every other month. Registration is required for each attendance. CDC guidelines will be followed. No food is allowed; bring your own beverages. To register to attend a meeting, contact Nancy by email or text 402-312-9324. Include the date and location of the meeting you wish to attend.
2025 Solutions Group dates and locations are:
The Servite Center of Compassion, 72nd and Ames Circle
Feb. 6, April 3, June 5, Aug. 7, Oct. 2, Dec. 4
West Omaha:
St. Vincent de Paul Church,14330 Eagle Run Drive
Jan. 14, March 11, May 13, July 8, Sept. 9, Nov. 11
St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 93rd and Dodge·
Feb. 19, April 16, June 18, Aug. 20, Oct. 15, Dec. 17
Faith Westwood United Methodist Church, 4814 Oaks Lane
Jan. 25, March 22, May 17, July 26, Sept. 27, Nov. 29
For meeting times and/or to register to attend a Solutions Group, email Nancy Flaherty or call 402-312-9324.
Watch a video on the Servite Center of Compassion's Solutions Group.
For more information on the Solutions Groups, email Nancy Flaherty or call 402-312-9324.